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动物注射器,animal injectable
最新国际求购:动物注射器,animal injectable animal injectabledear dealer / representative,firstly, i would like to introduce myself to you, well i am maryanne harrison,i am attached to crown royal windsor plc. in london. i am looking for a dependableindividual that i can trust, someone who is wiling and honest enough to carryout this transaction with diligence to the best of his/her ability. basically,i normally travel to malaysia to purchase a product calledrhinomune甶njectable.the rhinomune甶njectable is for vaccination of healthyhorses 3 months of age or older as an aid in preventing respiratory diseasecaused by equine herpesvirus type 1 (ehv-1). rhinomune is prepared by growingan attenuated strain of ehv-1 on an equine cell line. the rhinomune甶njectablecontain 10 bottles in a carton. each bottle contains 10ml.indication for the rhinomune甶njectable product is recomended to beused forhorse only. these product is rare and in high demand here in britain ,though not long it came to existence,it was introduce to our company by a chinese friend, mrs. christina tanaveterinary in holland, who gave me a sample fortest on my last visit to holland.in a moment, i have searched to a conclusive point that this saidproduct arespecifically found in the south/east coast of asia in which we canpurchaseenlarge amount for supply at an affordable price in taiwan and malaysiaby areputable dealer. the crown royal windsor plc. have mandated to comeover to asia to purchase the product mentioned above but theissue right now is that i need the correspondence of a reliablepartner, whowill stand as the distributor.the actual selling price from the dealers in malaysiais usd $2,500 and rate in malaysian riggit is myr9000, while it is sold here inbritainat the rate of usd5700 to veterinary companies. meanwhile i don't want ourmarketing manager to go directly to the dealer because the company hasallocated usd5000 per pack to purchase the product. my appeal to you is foryour assistance, to get the product from the dealers then re-sell to ourcompany at the stipulated price as stated above, thereafter the profit will beshared base on 60/40% percentage. i am unable to travel for now after a badvehicle accident, i have no intentions on losing out in profit as i need it topay up my hospital bills. it has seriously drained me. with that i was hopingthat a reliable person can assist me in supplying my marketing manager.the quantity demand from my company is 50 to 100 cartons monthly. all i needfrom you is to be kind, honest, and trustworthy.your reply is of great important, all information needed is intact, and allthat matters now is your respond if you are interested. kindly get back to mewith your full contact ie company name if any, phone no., fax no. i hope tohear from you soon.regards,maryanne harrisonlondon, united kingdomcontact person mr. maryanne harrisontelephone 44-7031-838936 Post:Sponsor |
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