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卡车/停车加热器(预加热器),truck/wan parking heater (pre-heater)
最新国际求购:卡车/停车加热器(预加热器),truck/wan parking heater (pre-heater) truck/wan parking heater (pre-heater)dear sirs!we congratulate you on the holiday of the 60 anniversary ofthe peoples republic of china and the holiday of the mid-autumn.we areua-china business center, kiev, ukraine, the specialised company work 7 years with the companies of china, hongkong and taiwan in the field of autospare parts.i ask to inform technical parametres and the prices formodels 1500wt and 5000wt. also i ask to inform possibility of manufacturing andsending to us 2 models of heaters with an independent feed by a diesel fuel bycapacity 1500 and 5000 wt. also we ask to inform e of the moq of heaters.we have potential clients on your production. intereststrial lot deliveries - 20-50 units. we express hope of mutually advantageousand long-term cooperation with your respectable company in the market ofukraine and russia.we ask to answer asap.yours faithfully, andrew golenkoua-china business center21, moskovsky ave, of. 302-303 (ardo) , , kiev, ukrainecontact person mr. andrew golenkotelephone 380-44-4966995fax 380-44-4907455 Sponsor |
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