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乳胶枕头和床垫 ,latex pillow and mattress from thailand
最新国际求购:乳胶枕头和床垫 ,latex pillow and mattress from thailand latex pillow and mattress from thailanddear suppliers,how are you ?we are korean importer and distributor.now we are looking for latex pillows and mattresses from thailand only. not from other countries.if you are interested in korean market, please send your full quotation.your early & favorable reply should be highly appreciated.thanks & best regards,william kwonjcon corporation.# 189-52, munhyun-3dong, namku, busan, korea, busan, busan, south koreacontact person mr. william kwontelephone 82-51-6374504/5fax 82-51-6374502 website target="_blank" http://www.todaytex.com/ |